*From Crossinology.com

During the 1980s, a number of innovative practitioners combined their knowledge of how the brain learns with ancient Chinese medicine. Out of this body of work came the unimaginable; people with long-standing learning disabilities, head injuries and even strokes, all recovering in dramatic ways.

One of the most innovative of these practitioners is Susan J McCrossin, AP. LINK

In 1988, Susan began studying the links between learning difficulties and acupressure. Subsequently, she developed her comprehensive system, known as Crossinology® - Brain Integration Technique. This revolutionary technique improves learning ability, creativity, and physical coordination.

Ms. McCrossin also holds a Diploma in Applied Physiology from the International Institute in Arizona. She has researched and, over the years, has written many articles on brain integration, learning disabilities, and the subject of learning. Susan has trained hundreds of practitioners in Europe and Australia. In October 2004, she was a keynote speaker for the Aspen Center for Integrative Health at the Aspen Institute in Colorado.

Learn More About The Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique—The Non-Invasive, Drug-Free Solution to Learning Disabilities
